為了避免下一代落入『畢業即失業』的徬徨中, 從小訓練他們的獨立, 從小就告訴他們不能當啃老族, 畢業後必須找一份可以養活自己的工作。沒法像台灣的新總統一樣的好命, 父母既沒有人事關係幫助他們找工作, 也沒有財力幫助他們去創業, 只能靠自己打拼了。
每個小孩的聰明才智不同, 除了學業上要盡力外, 自己的事情得自理, 時間不需要全部放在課業上, 玩耍、打工或是參加學校社團都是學習。家中兩個小孩都還爭氣, 自高中就開始打工, 賺取的零用錢則由他們自己決定如何使用, 這是對金錢價值認識的學習。
人生大約有三分之一的時間會花在工作上, 不能僅為了賺多錢而從事一份很討厭的工作。 在大學裡, 先要考慮將來會喜歡做的事, 依照自己興趣和想做的職業來選擇喜歡的主科。除課業的學習外, 要參加社團多認識朋友, 還要積極找打工的機會, 在職場上connection很重要的。
在大學裡, 只要肯積極去尋找, 校內的和校外的都可以找到打工的機會, 有些時候大公司或是政府機構也都會提供在校生打工的機會。
收到同事轉來的email, 2016年到白宮當實習生的機會, 4/17截止, 轉告有需要的朋友們趕快申請喔!
有關系列: 到台灣學中文

For individuals who may be interested in applying for the White House Internship Program or the DC Scholars Program. Details and links below. Please share widely.
LAST CHANCE TO APPLY FOR THE WHITE HOUSE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM AND THE D.C. SCHOLARS PROGRAM AT THE WHITE HOUSE IN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION Do you know leaders interested in interning at the White House for the Obama Administration? Encourage them to apply today for the Fall 2016 White House Internship Program – the final internship opportunity in the Obama Administration. This select group of young men and women from across the country dedicate their time, talents, energy, and service to better the White House, the community, and the nation. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, 18 years of age or older before the first day of the internship, and meet at least one of the following criteria: · Currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program at a college, community college, or university (two-to-four year institution) · Graduated from an undergraduate or graduate degree program at a college, community college, or university (two-to-four year institution) no more than two years before the first day of the internship · A veteran of the United States Armed Forces who possesses a high school diploma or its equivalent and has served on active duty, for any length of time, in the two years preceding the first day of the internship Every summer since the start of the Obama Administration in 2009, graduating high school seniors from public and charter high schools in the District of Columbia have been invited to apply for a part-time summer internship opportunity at the White House through the D.C. Scholars Program at the White House. Additional information on both programs, including eligibility requirements, application materials, and internship timelines are available on our website: https://www.whitehouse.gov/participate/internships/about. How can you help? · Promote the White House Internship Program at your alma mater. Email: internship_info@who.eop.gov for more information. · Encourage eligible applicants to apply before the deadline – the final intern application cycle in the Obama Administration! The Fall 2016 White House Internship Program application cycle closes on Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 11:59 PM, EST and the application for the D.C. Scholars Program at the White House closes on Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 11:59 PM EST. Application questions should be directed to intern_application@who.eop.gov and DCScholar_Info@who.eop.gov. · Distribute the attached flyers to potential applicants and other contacts who may be interested in the program. |
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